We believe in being experts in our areas of care, to help people in our community achieve positive health and wellness outcomes that lead to a better quality of life.

We also provide wholesome products that compliment your optimal level of health and wellness status.

At Everyday Medicinals, LLC we promote a healthy or restorative lifestyle, along with self-discovery and/or care received in addition to ours, with a commitment to providing services that embody kindness, compassion, and patient self-education plus self-advocating.

We encourage a lifestyle that includes: -quality sleep
-positively coping with stress -moving your body
- acquiring inner peace and reflection -eating well with purpose -proper energy and hydration -self-care and self-healing, work life boundaries coupled with fun and meaningful relationships...including the one you have with yourself!

what are you looking for?
3 service memberships to choose from: pick one or all 3, for your health and wellness needs

Prediabetes and Diabetes Management
- HbA1C 
Management and Coaching   
- weight reduction or maintenance

Pain Management
- Chronic Pain
Including Back Pain, Migraines

Mental Health Services plus  
Addiction and Recovery Maintenance
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Smoking cessation
- opioid withdrawal symptoms
- recovery Maintenace services

Text to learn more about service membership!

Our health concept is to offer services and products that make sense for the whole person- Mind.Body.Spirit, to leverage the body's optimal level of health.

Certain conditions necessitate a blend of conventional treatment(s) and complementary approaches. As a licensed healthcare facility, we appreciate collaborative care and when our patients request, we involve their primary care team to ensure a comprehensive approach to their care. We believe healing and self-care is a necessity of the human journey, among today's epidemics.

Add On Wellness Management Services 
- Healthy Plant based nutrition
- Spiritual Arts to lift the spirit

ATTENTION providers
We are accepting new patients!
If you would like to collaborate or refer patients, please call or complete contact page.

Your referral is greatly appreciated!