"backed by our EXPERIENCE and outcomes, plus positive patient testimonies, we know our services or produts are one way for people to experience life a bit more easily."

Since day one, the mission of Everyday Medicinals, LLC Owner and CEO, is to bring natural relief to people in the community. Those that seek and most enjoy her services, are people looking for more natural ways to feel better- maybe in addition to established traditional care, to experience positive health outcomes for improved quality of life, especially among underserved populations.
Establishing Everyday Medicinals, LLC was also one way to locally contribute and improve, negative outcomes of the opioid crisis. Due to her long-standing experience as a local healthcare provider who witnessed the pre-opioid era and today's crisis, she considers herself blessed to be able to be a part of the solution by providing natural pain relief options.

Everyday Medicinals, LLC continues to collaborate with others who value natural relief and believe that it has a place among today's healthcare systems, to positively impact our communities. Since opening with her original mission, she has expanded services and products to include complementary approaches with a continued focus on natural relief, for those looking to add natural relief to their self-care routine to ensure optimal level of health or in addition to their established care for maximum lifesaving outcomes. 

veryday Medicinals, LLC Owner's Story
During a routine pain assessment as a traditional community healthcare provider, she was inspired by a patient's testimony about his experience with medical Cannabis and the benefits he educated her about. This was the first-time hearing about medical Cannabis in her 7-year young career (2014). As he lay in a local facility bed debilitated, he exclaimed "it's not like the wacky tobacky street stuff" and enlightened her about the barriers as well as why he preferred Cannabis over opioids. In fact, he made total sense and his concerns resonated with the education she received over the years about the side effects of opioids. Years later, still convinced that medical Cannabis provides better relief than opioids as well as better quality of life per her patient's testimony, she established EMLLC to increase patient access to the RI Medical Marijuana Program and the vision that could be the small role she plays in helping reduce the opioid crisis. Backed with years working in diverse healthcare settings, her new mission became to help patients feel better naturally by offering top tier niche services and resources, especially among underserved populations. Sadly, her patient passed not long after that initial assessment however Everyday Medicinals, LLC soon gained a wonderful reputation for providing some of the best professional and compassionate care around, along with its name on the tip of the tongue of those in the Cannabis industry.

Additional Growth and Credentials Earned 2023:
Since the pandemic, awareness for integrated care (physical and mental health) has grown more intensely over the years and EMLLC Owner decided to jump on board by growing her office to offer multifaceted lifestyle support and education services, especially after seeing positive outcomes within multiple pilot programs she contributed to. To further contribute to positive outcomes in the community. she initiated a collaborative effort in addition to expanding services and products. The collaborative includes a focus on self-care since it has become highly important, as more responsibilities fall on society to maintain an aging population and oneself. As a successful healthcare provider, just before the pandemic, she was chosen to be a Clinical Lead to champion a 3-year Cardiovascular-Diabetes pilot program that remained successful despite pandemic challenges and successfully ended as expected in 2023. During the length of the program, she was able to exhibit the capabilities of creating and implementing successful strategies with positive health outcomes among high-risk patients. Contributing to the success, was personal experience and a deep desire to see people achieve positive health outcomes despite challenges. 
During the program, by performing direct community outreach led by herself and peers, they created successful resources for those with Diabetes. One resource included an interactive Diabetes Shopping and Meal App for Android or Apple phones. The App was based on a handout they created per their outreach and what started out as a nice to have idea, eventually became a working App patients piloted; thanks to facilitation and collaboration with Brown University Faculty-RIDOH pilot program Lead who recruited the students to create the APP, as well as who was not shy putting forth innovative efforts and enthusiasm.
The program continued to meet objectives with her clinical leadership which yielded improved A1C results, improved lipid results, including high rates of positive patient engagement and follow thru. July 2023 RI Department of Health applauded everyone's efforts who "kept pushing" during the pandemic as well as encouragement that "feedback" given to them during years of the program, were contributing factors to the program successes in which those efforts will be included in a manuscript to be produced-published by RI Department of Health. During this time, close peers in the community that got to see her in action, applaud her skillsets and impeccable drive to help people succeed!

In addition to all of her successes she is well-known for, she is especially hopeful her office will continue to serve "as a beacon of light" for those needing healthy lifestyle supports and education, as well as "exuberant" of natural relief.